Friday, May 30, 2008

Intro to Ali B

I am Alicia B but because there are 2 Alicia's on this blog, I'll go by Ali B. to make it easier for y'all. A little about me: I am 38, a high school teacher, coach, life-long athlete, and because of my activity level, I have struggled with knee injuries which has often led to a struggle with weight. I grew up in a single parent environment where sometimes dinner was fast food, chocolate cake, and I felt like it was feast or famine. I never really liked fruits or vegetables as a child but have learned to like them as an adult. I also never really learned portion sizes or appropriate meals. Through my career teaching biology/science of the human body, I am an advocate for healthy living and preventive measures for creating an awareness in the next generation.

Presently, I am recovering from a knee injury (hard-core racquetball tournaments!!). I have seen a personal trainer and lost 20 pounds but would like to lose another 10-15. I know I am healthiest when I eat a higher protein diet, lower starches (pastas, breads, potatoes, etc). I don't smoke, or drink alcohol or even sodas. In fact, I typically just drink water (or no carb drinks like Crystal Light). I also know to maintain my weight and health I have to work out on a consistent basis. I try to go to the gym a minimal of 3 times per week and at my healthiest I am doing something physical daily! I do a routine of lunges, weights, pushups, squats and elliptical (I've worked up to 6.5 miles in an hour). I like to mix things up by playing racquetball, tennis, volleyball, go on hikes, bike rides, and walks.

I look forward to reading and applying the principles of Dr. A's book in my life. We can always use a little more advice to be more healthy! I just hope he doesn't tell me to give up ice cream...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Hi, my name is Ann, I am 58 and weight 139 pounds. I have tried to lose weight many times in my life only to lose a few pounds, and then put it back on plus more. Last summer I was able to lose 23 pounds due to extreme stress and depression brought on by moving and becoming an empty nester. Stress usually causes me to gain weight, because I eat to comfort myself. This stress was over the top for me and instead of overeating I lost my appetite. Not overeating and the physical activity of packing and moving was my perfect storm. Once the move was over I quit losing and started putting it back on. Although I would love to lose 10 more pounds I would be happy to just not put anymore of the weight back on.

Stressometer says it's time to try something different!

My name is Carey. I will be turning 39 on June 2nd, and participating in this study is my birthday gift to myself. I am a busy mother of four teenage boys and also have about 250 students that I am responsible for on a daily basis. I have always considered myself fairly healthy, up until about two years ago when I broke my neck and was unable to get up and walk around, let alone be physically active. I lost a lot of my muscle, and all of my motivation to exercise.
Today, I am weighing in at 150 lbs on the nose. I like to have muscle, so it has never been important to me what the scale says, but 150 lbs just doesn’t sound healthy for a 5 foot 3inches tall person. So for me, this is about losing only 15 lbs or so, lowering body fat (which I imagine is somewhere around 36% at this point), and building my muscle mass back up.
I have developed some VERY bad habits over the past few years. My eating habits are atrocious! It is not unusual for me to go two or three days without eating. Because of that, I am exhausted all the time, but I can’t sleep. I sleep about 2 hours per night and it’s not continuous. My life is chaotic. My job is stressful off the charts. So, to combat the fatigue and stress, I picked up an additional bad habit….smoking. I smoke about a half a pack per day, sometimes more, depending on my stress level. My other “drug of choice” is caffeine. I drink TONS of diet soda….like 6 liters per day (no, I’m not exaggerating) and when I’m really dragging, I drink coffee, too! (Diet Coke in one hand, coffee in the other.) Then, the only water I drink is the tiny bit that sneaks up my nose when my boys and I go surfing….which is like…..five times a year. Many times, my idea of a “well-rounded meal” is 2 Bud Lights and a Laffy Taffy (again…..maybe more than 2 depending on my stress level). I know that these habits are not helping the situation.
After reading the first 7 chapters of the book, I have discovered that I am in the “sick” category. My immune system is not working well. My doctor just diagnosed me with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, apparently the result of the bout of Mononucleosis I had, FOR THE SECOND TIME, earlier this year. My vision is acting up and I get a lot of headaches. I’m even starting to have mood swings…. REALLY BAD MOOD SWINGS! To make matters worse, I have a family history that could give the best horror movie a run for its money
I am participating in this because I am fearful that I won’t be around to see my grandchildren if I don’t do something to change.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Here's to Change!

I'm Juli, one of Dr. A's guinea pigs (in the best possible sense, of course!)
This is a picture of me at a picnic last summer. This was one of three pictures that have been taken of me in the last year--yes, just three, because I really hate having my picture taken. The first picture that jolted me was with my cub scouts. I was a volunteer den mother for awhile, and we did a service project for the Crescent Trails Association when I lived in upstate New York last year. I hadn't hidden behind the boys yet, as I usually do when someone sticks a camera in my face. When I got the newsletter in the mail, the cubs were all excited that they made a real "newspaper." All I could think about was the spillage over the top of my jeans.
Then this picture. Not one of my best, but I've looked worse. Hello, I've had two c-sections! I've looked much worse.
The the third picture? My husband tried to take some "before" picture for this project. It was me against a bare wall, in jeans and a v-neck t-shirt (the mom uniform.) We must have taken ten shots, and all I could do was stare at what I saw on the digital camera's screen, then delete. Delete. Delete! You know how they say the "before" picture always shocks you? It did. I was not prepared to see how I really look. When I get dressed and put on my makeup in the morning, I can suck it in and walk away from the mirror, fairly confident that I'm not muffin-topping today. I didn't even have the courage to post my "before" pic from tonight, so this is me for now. I've probably gained 5 pounds since this posted picture, too. I'm so happy that I get to try Dr. A's program. I'm not the sort of person obsessed with the number on the scale--I just want to be healthy and make positive changes in my life. I want to be more energetic and happy for my two beautiful daughters. If this program helps me look better in a swim suit, I won't argue! I'm really looking forward to reading the book and starting to try and make a better me.
So here I am, in all my big girl glory. I've lived all over the place, from California to Virginia to Florida to New York, but I currently reside in Syracuse, Utah, the flatlands by the Great Salt Lake. I'm starting Dr. A's program at (*gulp*) 205 pounds. I am really good at losing a pound here and there, but it always finds me again and brings back a friend. Here's hoping that I can change my health and my life!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

We love "Losers"!

Wanted to share this with you guys...
Hi Wayne and Lori!

Well - today the digital scale read 200.
Tomorrow I will be under 200 for the first time for a long long time.

Thanks so much! Much of the joy is sharing my success with other
successful people who, like me, just didn't have a system to eat
right. Tomorrow, when I am under 200, I'll update my blog!

You will get a kick out of this posting from last week:

I love being a loser!

Be On-Purpose!


Tips of the Day

Hello from a big man...

Hey guys,

I'm so excited to give this a shot. I'm waaaaay out of shape barely have enough energy to hang out with my three kids and needs to shed a few pounds (currently 316) and just improve my overall health. So this will be interesting to see if I can do it and how hard it'll be. Looking forward to it...

~ Rob

Today is the First Day of the Rest of Our Lives

At Cobalt Communications Group, our job is to help our clients gain awareness online. When we began working with Dr. Wayne Andersen, we were immediately excited about his new book, Dr. A's Habits of Health. One of the things we wanted to organize was a group of people, with diverse health, weight and nutrition needs, backgrounds, ethnicities and geographic regions and have them read a pre-published copy of the book to try it out and give feedback. None of the participants have met Dr. A or are being compensated, beyond receiving a copy of the Habits of Health manuscript.

This blog will be the online journal for more than a dozen people, chronicling their journey to optimal health and wellness over the next two months, using the basic principles outlined in Dr. A's book. We encourage conversation, dialogue and comments.

While we were setting up the pilot program, we began to get excited about the book ourselves. The three of us on the account team are all a little crazy when it comes to health, nutrition and wellness, and we wanted to find a way to participate as well. So, while we are not "official" participants, due to the fact that we are paid consultants for Dr. A, we are taking this journey along with everyone else - just for curiosity's sake.

So ... here is our introduction the the first day of the rest of our lives (from left to right in the photo above):

Jessica, Sr. Marketing Comm. Specialist: An exercise enthusiast who loves running, dancing, wake boarding, skiing and playing a variety of sports—the more physical the sport, the better. She is excited to participate in Dr. Andersen’s “Habits of Health” program because she is eager to develop a healthier eating strategy and gain a solid understanding of the nutritional benefits of certain foods.

Sara, VP, Marketing: New mom to an 8.5-month-old baby girl, works full-time, trying to balance work, home, baby, sleep and wellness. Looking to find more internal wellness - a general sense of well-being and to improve sleep habits and energy levels. Loves food, the outdoors, hiking, yoga and the occasional run.

Erin, Director of Marketing: A busy single woman who frequently eats on the run. She’s struggled with a thyroid problem from an early age, giving her up and down weight and energy issues for several years. She’s anxious to find a diet that will help her overcome her natural lack of metabolism.