Monday, June 2, 2008

Good News! My boyfriend broke his leg!

As part of my new "thinking patterns" about health and stress, I decided to look on the bright side of every situation. Having said that, I'm happy to report that my boyfriend broke his leg in three places and will be having surgery later this week. Unfortunatly, I've lost my workout buddy, but the good news is that WE GET TO QUIT SMOKING!!!! He has to quit so that his bones will heal, so he has made a request (more of a demand, actually) that I quit too.
So this is officially my "before" picture that I took last week with my new workout buddy, "Tank." He is my youngest child. I started the diet last Friday. I have worked my way up to 3 small meals per day. I have decreased my diet drinks to two cans per day which is a MIRACLE! It's funny, but I feel better without the caffeine. I was very tired for the first two days, but after that, not so much. I weighed myself today and I weighed 148 lbs. I'm sure the two pounds is water from my lack of sodium intake courtesy of Diet Coke....LOL, but hey, it's something. I suspect the impact of two pounds won't be evident in a swimsuit, but I'm on my way.
I'm not exactly exercising yet, but Tank and I walk......around the block.......once. As I said, it's a start. Hope everyone else is doing well. I'm almost finished with the book. I teach nutrition and metabolism (I should be ashamed to admit that) and the information in the book makes so much sense. I never really thought about things the way Dr. A presents them. I am really enjoying this journey.

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