Friday, June 6, 2008

I call Uncle

Oh boy. Changing bad habits isn't quite so easy as it sounds. Today was the very first day since I started reading that I actually ate the way Dr. A recommends in the book. Turns out getting healthy isn't quite as easy as everyone in those TV diet and exercise infomercials make it sound! But I was so good today--no cheating! I've been following Dr. A's guidelines for the most part, but the afternoon is my worst time of day. I get the munchies; I sneak something I shouldn't. One little snitch of sugary food here and there is just enough to keep me off the right track.

I'm thinking the best part of this program, and the one I may end up using the most, is Dr. A really seems to understand how difficult it is to make it through alone, so he'll let us talk with a life coach to help keep us motivated. For me, to kick start my efforts, I think I need to try the portion-controlled meal replacements (PCMRs) he discusses in the book. I recently calculated my BMI (body mass index) and was shocked to discover that, by medical standards, I am considered obese. I am doing my best to eat healthfully, but my body is so used all the things that got me fat in the first place. So...I call Uncle. I am not afraid to admit that I need help.

In the mean time, I'm eating my 5 meals a day, all good stuff he talks about in the book. For dinner, I even fixed something my whole family could eat together--chicken, seasoned with sea salt, ground pepper, and some thyme for my picky daughters, and with cayenne and red pepper flakes for me and my spicy husband. Cucumbers and salad (dressed with olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper) took up half our plates, the chicken and a whole wheat roll took up the other half. I've really cut back on the breads and cereals (my weakness) and added in more lean protein. I used the tips he gives in the book to make my grocery list for the week.

Keep your fingers crossed that I can stay on track! ~Juli

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