Sunday, June 8, 2008

me time ;)

One of the aspects that Dr. A emphasizes is the fast-paced world in which we live and how we don't have time to relax or do anything for ourselves. I tend to overplan my days and then force feed myself (for nutrition??) and run out of time to exercise or sometimes even sleep adequately. Luckily for me, gas prices are horrendous and I am not planning on doing much with my teacher downtime for this summer. That leaves ample time to do other things.

This past week, I did okay with eating but highly craved sweets (ice cream, cookies, whatever) and did give in. The upside is I worked out for around 10 hours...did the best ever on the elliptical (8.5 minute miles), went for a 4 hour round trip hike in the Sandia mountains, and played some intense games of racquetball.

The next 2 weeks I will have less control over my food and exercise program because I will be in the field doing some professional development classes (astronomy and botany). If you have any advice besides situps and pushups, please share!

My goals: portion control, daily movement, limit on the sweets, sufficient sleep!

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