Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I spent a good portion of last week trying to figure out how to implement the changes Dr. A recommends and not cheat. When I finally just did it, I was amazed. He was right! He says in the book that the first day will be rough, but once you shut down that insulin pump that keeps you hungry and makes you head back to the cupboard when you're not really hungry, you won't be as hungry. You won't need all that food. One day is all it takes to shut it down.

I was able to completely make it through one cheat-free day on Friday. On Saturday, I felt soooo much better. On Sunday I wasn't around much (I had a ton of family obligations, and wasn't around to eat the "Dr. A way," but I think I did okay under the circumstances.) So on Monday morning I checked the scale, and I was shocked...in a good way! Basically, I managed doing 2 full days of Habits of Health, and I lost 2.6 lbs. Yeah!!! I had to take my youngest daughter to day camp (and stay with her) for the last two days, so I haven't been doing the program full force. Fortunately, I haven't gained that poundage back. If I had planned ahead like he says in the book, I would have taken my food with me so I could still be making progress instead of treading water. Those two odd pounds have really motivated me. I feel better, and seeing a digital reward on my scale makes me want to keep trying. Hopefully next time I check in, I'll have more weight gone for good.

Happy thoughts! ~Juli

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