Friday, June 6, 2008

Some changes....

Today I walked my kids to school instead of driving, and while it was kinda hard to get up a little earlier and do the walk, their excitement was more then enough to motivate me. Their school is .8 miles from my house and it took us about 30 mins to walk it (Took me 20 min to walk back home). I'll walk to pick up Maile and that'll be two trips (3.2 miles total) Angel will have to ride home, as three trips would be a bit excessive...

My goal is to do this everyday during the week with them. It felt good being outside and spending some quality time with the kids talking about all kinds of stuff. Other bonus is, I also feel like I'm saving money on gas and using the car a bit less. Both of which are good things in their own ways.

The other change has been in what I've been drinking. I've been drinking more grape juice. The ones with the heart label on it instead of the Sprite and Coke I usually drink.

These two little changes should make a big impact on my journey to Optimum Health...

~ Rob

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