Monday, June 16, 2008

Totally Geekin'!

Two weeks into Dr. A's program and I'm totally geekin' at how good I feel. I was unable to join the conference call because my husband was in surgery, but wanted to report that I am down to 145 lbs! 5 lbs in two weeks?! That's very exciting. The food changes have not been difficult for me at all. However, I am still struggling with making sure that I am eating enough. As I said before, it has always been a very bad habit for me to eat just once per day, if at all. So eating every few hours has been a huge challenge that I know I will continue to struggle with. I don't know why, I guess years of bad training, but I don't get hungry like most people.

I quit smoking about a week and a half ago, and strangely enough, have had no difficulty with quitting. I have no cravings. Sometimes I miss the "habit" of smoking when I am stuck in traffic, or have a stressful day, but not the nicotine. I feel very blessed for it to have been so easy. My caffeine intake has been almost nothing most days, and no more than two diet sodas on a bad day. I think the change in diet may be helping me with some of my other bad habits because I DEFINITELY feel better.

My goals this week are to up my meal intake to at least four times per day. I am setting the timer on my watch for that. If I can get myself consistent with four meals this week, then hopefully by next week I can get where I need to be. The only bad thing, in case anyone has any suggestions, is that my insomnia has definitely gotten worse. I think I have slept a total of three hours since Thursday, but I seem to have all my faculties and I feel great. Maybe I'm just getting old!

As far as challenges, I miss pasta. I miss it a lot. But that is really the only craving that I struggle with. I don't know what I can do about that. I wondered about whole wheat pasta, or spinach pasta, but I couldn't get clarity from the book. If anyone knows, please leave a comment.

Hope everyone else is doing well.

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